Hi! James Edwards

3D Spiral Element
Abstract Speckles
3D Floating Element Rocket
3D Purple Flower

Getting to know the uniqueness that is JAMES!

3D Smooth Gradient  LCD Screen
3D Abstract Shape


3D Red Asterisk

Meet James, a resilient and joyful 11 year old with a passion for jokes, connecting with people, and playing baseball. Despite facing challenges from a brain injury, James's love for life shines through in his enthusiasm for family, animals—especially penguins—and his unwavering support for the Miami Dolphins. His positive spirit and genuine love for others make him a beacon of inspiration to all who know him.

Disabled Young Man in Wheelchair Isolated

Communication for everyone

James communicates through an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) device. His specfic device is TD pilot. It is an eye-controlled communication device for iPad. Designed to empower people with conditions such as ALS/MND, spinal cord injury or cerebral palsy to communicate and use their favorite apps, this iPadOS-based speech generating device features the world’s leading eye tracker. It has taken James many years and hours of sessions to become comfortable and accurate with his navigation. He does require additional time for processing and constructing sentences due to the unique way he expresses himself. James's journey is a testament to perseverance, proving that communication barriers can be overcome with patience and understanding.

Friendly communication do’s/Dont’s

My device is my voice. Please do not touch it. I am 11, please speak to me in an age approproate manner and always presume potential/competance.

Suggested Talking topics

(picked by James, of course)


Neon purple football icon


Pink neon baseball ball

The Lake house/travel

Neon purple map icon

EMail Me!

I am working on navigating my AAC device and imporving my reading/writing skills. Please send a 1-2 sentence message for me to reply to. You can also send me your best jokes!

Follow me!

Suggested Resources

3D Business Elements Digital Illustrator

More is coming...

Mom, Dad & my therapists are all working hard to keep this as a usefull tool for all.